
Noise Notice - Artillery fire will be heard from VMI throughout the day Monday, Feb. 10 for cadet training activities.

Inspector General

The Inspector General undertakes or supervises official investigations that are not specifically delegated to other agencies or as assigned by the superintendent, reporting findings as directed, consistent with legal requirements.

Additionally, the IG serves as the Title IX coordinator.  As Title IX Coordinator, the IG coordinates the development and review of policies, procedures, and training programs for cadets and employees of VMI. The IG office receives reports of alleged violations of Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.  The IG and the Office of the IG are charged with coordinating the Institute's compliance with federal civil rights laws. The IG is responsible for overseeing the investigation of all reports of alleged discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct in accordance with the Grievance Procedures as outlined in General Order 16. The IG does not serve as an advocate for either the complainant or the respondent. The IG will explain to all parties the rights and procedures outlined in these procedures. As appropriate, the IG will provide all parties with information about obtaining medical and counseling services, making a criminal report, receiving advocacy services including those offered by , and guidance on other Institute and community resources. The IG will offer to coordinate with other VMI leadership, when appropriate, to implement supportive measures. Except for confidential employees, all employees receiving such reports or complaints must immediately notify the IG and must not undertake any independent efforts to determine whether or not the report or complaint has merit before reporting it to the IG.

Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct:  General Order 16

Statement on Equity: General Order 13

Retaliation:  General Order 90

VAWA Definitions

Badge graphic indicating that VMI is VMI is a member of the State University of New York-Student Conduct Institute (SUNY-SCI).VMI is a member of the State University of New York-Student Conduct Institute (SUNY-SCI). All VMI faculty/staff participants in the Title IX grievance process to include Title IX Coordinators, investigators, decision makers, and informal resolution facilitators receive relevant Title IX and other investigation/adjudication related .