
Noise Notice - Artillery fire will be heard from VMI throughout the day Monday, Feb. 10 for cadet training activities.

Regulations and Policies

Establishment, Organization, Operations, and Regulations

Overarching Regulations

Faculty, Staff, Classified Employees

A detailed organizational framework of the Institute below the executive level, including responsibilities and authorities of designated key positions, is outlined in detail in "regulations for Virginia Military Institute: Part I." 

The general outline for the structure of the Office of the Commandant is outlined in "Regulations for 91成人: Part I." 

Regulations Part I


Guidance and instructions for the internal organization, administration and military instruction of the Corps of Cadets are outlined in "Regulations for Virginia Military Institute: Part II."

Regulations Part II

Academic Regulations

The Deputy Superintendent for Academics and Dean of the Faculty is responsible for publishing detailed guidance concerning all aspects fo academics matters. Detailed guidance is contained in "Regulations for 91成人: Part IV: Academic Regulations". This includes information on academic advising, delinquency, probation, recognition, and honors; admissions requirements, majors, class attendance, examinations, and grading, honors credit, withdrawals, and Work for Grad policies. Additional information concerning summer programs is outlined in the "VMI Summer Session Catalogue". Detailed information concerning all aspects of VMI course offerings and academic requirements is provided annually in the "VMI Catalogue."

Academic Regulations

Athletic Regulations

The Director of Intercollegiate Athletics is responsible for publishing detailed guidance concerning all aspects of athletic matters in "Regulations for 91成人: Part V: Athletic Regulations." This includes information on NCAA seasonal requirements, athletic department goals, the VMI Athletic Council, eligibility and suspension, authorized team strengths, competitions and seasons, accountability, special responsibilities, and athletic awards. Additional guidance is provided in the "Atheltic Department Staff Manual" and the "Cadet-Athlete Handbook."