Appointed Students
Congratulations on your appointment to the 91成人!
Initial appointments are conditional until applicants have:
- completed the Reservation Checklist,
- met all medical requirements,
- and successfully finished their current academic program.
Be sure to apply for financial aid and read up on the recent updates to the FAFSA.
FINAL STEPS FOR ADMISSIONS: Complete all required forms after appointment.
Prepare Prior to Matriculation: It is important to show up to Matriculation Day as mentally and physically prepared as you can be. Read through each section below thoroughly so you are prepared for what is expected prior to Matriculation Day.
Start Training
Training should include running, sit-ups, and pull-ups, which are required for the VMI Fitness Test (VFT), and a fitness program that will prepare you for calisthenics, marching, running on hilly terrain, and tests of stamina and agility such as the obstacle course. Mental preparation should involve improvement in self-discipline, emotional discipline, anger management, and coping with fatigue.
Summer Transition Program
The Summer Transition Program offers a chance to get a jump on your VMI experience before matriculation. Participants take a class, live in barracks, eat in the mess hall, and participate in physical training.
Placement Tests
All new cadets must satisfy placement testing requirements before matriculating. In late May, you will receive correspondence from the Admissions team with instructions for enrolling for these required tests. All students take the mathematics placement test. Students who completed two or more years of a foreign language in grades 9 - 12 will take a language-specific placement test.
During matriculation, new cadets and their families have an opportunity to discuss studies from their chosen curriculum, sign the matriculation pledge and add their names to the matriculation book. Also at this time, new cadets receive room assignments, mailbox numbers, email addresses, and Reserve Office Training Corps (ROTC) information.